Q: What are you guys all about? Why the lit-mag?
A: Simple. There is a ridiculous cache of talent in the Lehigh Valley. Amazing, untapped talent. People are writing, reading, drawing, thinking, and yet there isn't an interesting, centralized publication to showcase the results.
The idea behind Halicarnassus is to get your manuscript or story or poem into the eyes and brains of other people. You've got to admit, your wife, boyfriend, or drunken roommate don't add up to much of a readership. We simply want to publish people from the Valley and get you off of your bum.
Q: Online or print? How frequent will the magazine put out a new issue? Color?
A: Print, of course. The internet is great and all but what better way to read a story than to have it in your hands. We're bringing paper back. (Don't act like you don't love puns.)
For our fall publication, we'd like to be in print as well as online. We'll see. That largely depends on the financial factor and the success of our first issue.
Bi-annually for now. The more submissions we get, the more we are apt to publish. The Mayan calendar is also a factor.
Color cover, B&W inside.
Q: How much do I get paid for my brilliant masterpiece if it gets published?
A: Don't be ridiculous. We've been working hard to get funding for the printing itself. You will get a few copies to keep as proof of your genius, and an audience. We'd love to be able to pay writers, as there is no better feeling than getting paid for doing something that you love. Again, we'll see what happens for the fall issue. For now, you just get published--which is what this is all about.
Q: Why Halicarnassus?
A: Halicarnassus was the hometown of Herodotus, author of one of the first major prose works in history. It was also the center of great works of art. The small city, mainly Greek in population, was isolated from the rest of the Greek world--but amazing things happened there. Allentown, Halicarnassus, do you get the idea?
Happy submitting. Keep reading, keep writing.
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